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  英语(二) 试卷

  (课程代码 00015)


  Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point each)


  1. The police can________the witness against danger.

  A. ensure B. relieve

  C. promise D. distract

  2. I don’t think that________of the two answers is correct.

  A.both B.all

  C.either D.none

  3. literary critics should be as_________as possible in analysis and judgment.

  A.imperative B.objective

  C.competitive D.productive

  4. She_________him to give her another chance, but he refused.

  A.hoped B.insisted

  C.begged D.suggested

  5.His________in the stock market has made him a rich man.

  A.interference B.interantion

  C.investigation D.investment

  6.Taking care of your body is a powerful first step_________mental and emotional health.

  A.toward B.from

  C.with D.into

  7.___________, I would go fishing, but the weather is bad today.

  A.Obviously B.Normally

  C.Particularly D.Presently

  8. We should be aware of the dangers of_______children to violence on TV.

  A.assigning B.attaching

  C.exposing D.disclosing

  9.He blamed his poor judgment of the situation________jet lag.

  A.in B.of

  C.by D.on

  10.Even if we can reduce our birth_________to 1%, it still means 13 million new babies every year.

  A.pace B.rate

  C.speed D.number

  Ⅱ. Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point each)


  A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives. The__11__for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is__12__in the way of accomplishing them.

  Thus the decision-making process is fundamental to management. Almost everything a manager does__13__decisions. Indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. __14__managers cannot predict the future, many of their decisions require that they__15__possible future events. Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to__16__, but since uncertainty is always there, risk accompanies decisions. Sometimes the consequences of a poor decision are__17__; at other times they are serious.

  People often assume that a decision is an isolated phenomenon.__18__from a systems point of view, problems have multiple causes, and decisions have intended and unintended consequences. An organization is an ongoing entity, and a decision made today may have consequences far__19__the future. Thus the skilled manager looks toward the future consequences of__20__decisions.

  11. A. aim B.effort C. example D. reason

  12.A. preceding B. turning C.spoiling D. standing

  13. A. changes B. achieves C. involves D. makes

  14. A. Since B. Although C.Unless D. Until

  15. A. must consider B. will consider C. considered D. consider

  16.A. chance B.future C.reality D.action

  17. A. obvious B.desirable C.slight D.natural

  18. A. Still B.Then C. But D.Hence

  19. A. over B. into C.beyond D.above

  20. A. current B. common C. conservative D.casual

  Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 point esch)


  Passage One

  Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

  My top priorities are school, sports and my family. Track and tennis are the sports I enjoy most. During the track season, I have practice Monday through Friday, mostly at 7:30 a.m. Tennis is a yearlong sport for me, and I never get a break. I don’t mind this, and look forward to practices, which are three hours,

  Three times a week. The only thing I dislike about running and tennis is when they conflict. It pains me whenever I have to choose between them.

  I also take school extremely seriously. I am a straight-A student and am looking to keep this up. Unlike many parents, mine do not get angry if I get a grade lower than an A. They simply advise me to go talk to my teachers to find out if there is any work I could do to bring the grade up. I appreciate this because it seems as though I get enough criticism from myself.

  One of my greatest struggles is trying to find time to spend with my family and friends. I hate that sometimes has to be sacrificed. For me, that thing is my friends. At times my friends get angry with me, which annoys me because I really want to hang out with them but can’t because of my time constraints. I wish they

  Knew that I miss them. I also long for the nights when I used to relax with my family. Now I come home from meets and practices to eat and finish homework. Many times I am exhausted.

  It may sound as though there must be someone making me live in this manner. Well, there is: me. I choose to spend my time this way, even though it may mean less time for friends, family and relaxing. Call me crazy, but the reason for my overscheduled lifestyle is the love I have for all my chosen activities. Just like with my schooling, I have long-term goals for the sports with which I am involved. Those goals drive me to keep up the hard work. I enjoy what I do, not planning to stop anytime soon.

  21. The writer feels painful when he has to________ .

  A. balance schoolwork and sports.

  B. handle conflicts with his friends

  C. choose between track and tennis

  D. practice sports all the year round

  22. A straight-A student probably means________ .

  A. a hardworking student

  B. a highly gifted student

  C. an all-excellent student

  D. a straightforward student

  23. The writer thanks his parents for_________

  A. their easy way of treating him

  B. their well-intentioned criticisms

  C. their exchanges with his teachers

  D. their direct assistance in his studies

  24. It is indicated that the write almost has no time at night_________ .

  A. to funish his homework

  B. to relax with his family

  C. to complete his practices

  D. to go out with his friends

  25. In the passage the writer mainly talks about________ .

  A. his love for the family

  B. his fully-scheduled life

  C. his craziness for aports

  D. his great goals in study

  Passage Two

  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

  Smart phones do many things these days: make and receive calls, send e-mails, take photos and videos. But one thing they can do that phone companies don’t advertise is keep a secret watch on you. As long as you don’t leave home without your phone, that handy gadget keeps a record of everywhere you go –-a record the government can then get from your telephone company.

  When you carry a cell phone, it is constantly sending signals about where you are. It signals the nearby cell-phone towers about every seven seconds so it can be ready to make and receive calls. When it does, the phone is also telling the company that owns the towers where you are at the moment---data the company then stores away. There is also a second kind of locational data that phone companies have, thanks to a unit in most smart phones now for locating positions. This is even more accurate---unlike the towers, which can only tell a general area where you may be, this unit can often reveal exactly where you are at any given moment within a matter of meters.

  The American government’s position is that it should be able to get most of this data if it decides it is relevant to an investigation, with no need for a search permit. If the government needs a permit, it would have to show a judge evidence that there was probable cause to believe that the cell-phone user committed a crime. Without this requirement, the government can get locational data pretty much anytime it wants.

  The law is unclear about hoe easy it should be for the government to get its hands on this locational data. A federal court pronounced last week that in some cases the government may need a search permit. That’s a step forward, but it’s not good enough. Some hearings on this issue are being held. It is time for Congress

  to act. It should make clear that information from cell phones is deeply private, and that without a search permit, the government cannot have it.

  26. The word “gadget” (para.1) probably refers to________ .

  A. a computer B. a camera

  C. a cell phone D. a recorder

  27. A cell-phone owner can be precisely located because his phone_______ .

  A. record his whereabouts

  B. sends signals at intervals

  C. makes and receives cells

  D. has a unit for positioning

  28. The American government holds that__________ .

  A. it should obtain the data with a search permit

  B. it should have free access to the locational data

  C. it has no need for a permit on urgent occasions

  D. it has full right to investigate cell-phone owners

  29. The issue concerning the use of locational data should be solved by_______ .

  A. Congress B. the public

  C. federal courts D. phone companies

  30. The use of locational data should be regulated to protect the owner’s______ .

  A. safety B. freedom

  C. reputation D. privacy

  Passage Three

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

  There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown. They probably came about just to give children something to do.

  In the ancient word, as it today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with others. In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls after the tasks of their mothers. This is true because boys and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult word.

  What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same. The changes have been mostly in terms of skill, process , and technology. It is the university of toys with regard to their developments in all parts of the world and their persistence to the present that is marvelous. In some Africa nations, the American, China, and Japan, generally the same kinds of toys appeared. Variations depends on local customs and ways of life because toys imitate their surroundings. Nearly every civilization had dolls (玩偶), little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.

  Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to leaps in technology that characterize inventions for adult use. The progress from the wheel to the ox-cart to the automobile is a direct line of upward movement. The progress from a rattle (拨浪鼓) used by a baby in 3000 BC to one used by an infant today, however, is not characterized by invention. Each rattle is the produce of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations of available materials.

  31. According to paragraph1, it remains unknown__________ .

  A. why toys were invented

  B. when toys began to exist

  C. when toys because popular

  D. what toys could do for kids

  32. The passage indicates that toys can help children to_______ .

  A. develop their sense of duty

  B. imitate their parents’ trades

  C. prepare for their future roles

  D. understand their surroundings

  33. The history of toys indicates that toys are not_________.

  A. regarded as an art form

  B. affected by time and space

  C. subject to cultural differences

  D. liable to the progress of skills

  34. Toys worldwide share the characteristic of_________.

  A. introducing new skills

  B. shaping new lifestyles

  C. encouraging inventions

  D. reflecting local customs

  35. The development of the rattle reflects__________ .

  A. changing artistic tastes

  B. leaps in material invention

  C. the value of artistic creation

  D. a straight upward movement

  Ⅳ. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two words)


  36. 最大量 n. m 37.可惜

  38. 贴标签 39. 收入

  40. 饥饿 41. 顺利的

  42. 真实地 43. 金属

  44. 幸存 45.讨论

  46. 混乱 47. 音乐会

  48. 买得起 49. 海滩

  50. 商业的 51. 相等的

  52. 热带的 53. 仅仅

  54. 挤压 55. 九月

  Ⅴ. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each)


  56. You need to have_______(parent). The economy will improve soon.

  57. The infant’s self-esteem is totally________(depend) on family members.

  58. The insurance agent tried to_______(fright) her into buying the most expensive house insurance.

  59. My hair is much more_______(manage) since I have had it cut short.

  60. Necessary________(provide) has been made against flood.

  61. The event went ________(surprise) well, considering the bad weather.

  62. The parts are made in this factory and then shipped to another country for ________(assemble).

  63. Marriage is a serious________(commit), one that isn’t taken lightly for most people.

  64. Don’t worry about________(formal) at my parents’ house. It’s always easy and free there.

  65. The main forms of _________(verbal) communication include gestures, eye contact, external appearance and clothing etc.

  Ⅵ. Translation from Chinese into English (15points, 3 point each)


  66. 我认为那部电影不值得看两遍。

  67. 在东北住的时候你学过滑冰吗?

  68. 那些帮助他人的人值得我们称赞。

  69. 我们说服了他放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。

  70. 通过节食和运动,他把体重减到了150磅。

  Ⅶ. Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)


  In order to solve the pollution problem that began from the mid-20th century, a number of environmental protection organizations have formed. However, the most important pollution fighter is perhaps each individual person. If everyone makes the effort, pollution can be greatly reduced.

  In a way, some pollution can be controlled in daily life. For example, solid wastes are a major cause of land pollution, but many wastes, such as empty cans, glass bottles, old car tires and newspapers, can be recycled. Some places pay people to bring in used goods for recycling. Moreover, one major factor in air pollution is that many people use cars needlessly. So public transportation, bicycles, and walking are all good choices to prevent pollution.
