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1. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. bathe

B. birth

C. thought

D. Thank


2. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. alive

B. monitor

C. mind

D. Bicycle


3. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. potato

B. police

C. population

D. Polite


4. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. gather

B. gift

C. general

D. goat


5. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. feather

B. head

C. bread

D. Beeach



6. The doctor told Mr. White that he couldn' t get better if he didn' t_________drinking.

A. give up

B. give away

C. give in

D. give out


【应试指导】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:医生告诉怀特先生,如果他不戒烟身体就不能康复。give up意为“放弃,戒除”;9ive away意为“泄露,失去”;give in意为“屈服,投降”;9ive out意为“发布,停止运行”。根据句意可知,应选A。

7. It was a pity that he missed the meeting__________in London last month.

A. to be held

B. held

C. having held

D. to hold



8. The teacher told his students that the earth___________round like a ball.

A. be

B. is

C. had been

D. Was



9. It' s truly a beautiful place,_________I don' t want to live here.

A. and

B. as

C. but

D. So



10. John is___________tallest student among________whole class.

A. a;the

B. the;the

C. a;a

D. the;a



11. The ship___________at 8:30 ,but it is almost 9:30 now.

A. could have arrived

B. must have arrived

C. should have arrived

D. would have arrived


【应试指导】本题考查情态动词。句意:船本应该8:30就到的,但是现在已经快9:30了。shouldhave done意为“本应该做某事”,符合题意。

12.-Hello,Jim! May I ask you a question?


A. No, thanks

B. Right

C. Never mind

D. Certainly



13.He left for New York___________I could say goodbye to him.

A. sitice

B. as

C. before

D. Until



14. I can' t__________you that I' 11 be able to come,but I' 11 do my best.

A. promise

B. ask

C. answer

D. Advise



15. Do you want to change this lamp for__________or do you want your money back?

A. other one

B. other

C. the others

D. Another


【应试指导】本题考查0ther的用法。句意:你是想换一盏灯还是想拿回自己的钱?other one与other本身不正确;the others是特指,表示“剩下的全部”;another是泛指,表示“另一个”。根据题意可知,应选D。

16. He asked me how often I went back home__________a visit when I was at college.

A. for

B. on

C. with

D. To

